What happens in each trimester?

General nonfiction, otherwise known as “books that help people”


1st Trimester

Define the book’s message, audience, and place in the broader conversation; develop the book’s skeleton structure; decide how to connect with your audience through book pregnancy and delivery; write and edit the book proposal and 2–3 sample chapters; begin submission process

Six 60-minute sessions included; additional session bundles available as needed

Includes full book proposal edit


2nd Trimester

Monthly sessions as you complete the full draft of the manuscript and nurture your audience; developmental edit of first draft focused on structure and content; line edit of revised draft to prepare for publisher submission or the self-publishing path

Six 60-minute sessions included; additional session bundles available as needed

Includes two levels of professional editing of your full manuscript


3rd Trimester

Monthly sessions to nurture the book’s delivery plan; production consultations for authors who traditionally publish; production guidance, coordination, and proofreading for authors who self-publish*; postnatal review once the book is birthed

Six 60-minute sessions included; additional session bundles available as needed


*Does not include contractor services for typesetting, cover design, or printing

Narrative nonfiction and fiction


1st Trimester

Monthly sessions as you write the first full draft of the manuscript; developmental edit of first draft that focuses on structure and content; second developmental edit of revised draft with continued eye toward structure and content

Ten 60-minute sessions included; additional session bundles available as needed

Includes two rounds of developmental editing of your full manuscript


2nd Trimester

Define the book’s message, audience, and place in the broader conversation; line edit of full manuscript to prepare for publisher submission or self-publishing path; write and edit book proposal; begin submission process

Six 60-minute sessions included; additional session bundles available as needed

Includes professional line editing of your full manuscript, plus full edit of the book proposal


3rd Trimester

Monthly sessions to nurture the book’s delivery plan and elevate author profile; production consultations for authors who traditionally publish; production guidance, coordination, and proofreading for authors who self-publish*; postnatal review once the book is birthed

Six 60-minute sessions included; additional session bundles available as needed


*Does not include contractor services for typesetting, cover design, or printing